Information for deaf and hard of hearing
Emergency SMS
You can register with Emergency SMS so that you can TEXT 999 in case of a fire or other emergency. Alternatively, get out and ask a neighbour to call 999 for you. If you have specialist equipment, such as a textphone or minicom, you can contact the emergency services on 18000. For more information, you can also visit the official Emergency SMS website
Safe and Well Visit
If you have any worries or concerns about your smoke alarms, or you would like some general fire safety advice, we offer FREE Safe and Well visits. This consists of a member of your local fire crew visiting your home to provide you with fire safety advice and to check your smoke alarms. This advice is tailored to suit you in your home, depending on your living arrangements or circumstances.
They are trained to identify your personal needs and requirements and will deliver advice accordingly. A visit will last approximately 20 minutes and will always be carried out on an appointment basis.
If your deafness affects your ability to hear a smoke alarm, we may provide an adapted smoke alarm or make a referral to your local council who may be able to provide the relevant equipment. If required, we are able to make these referrals to other services that may assist your hearing needs. Go to our Safe and Well referral page to book your Safe and Well visit.
Useful links and information
- Action on Hearing Loss
- Action Deafness
- British Deaf Association
- Royal Association for Deaf People
- Deafness Support Network
- Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
- National Association of Deafened People
- Nottinghamshire County Council Adult Deaf and Visual Impairment
- Nottinghamshire Deaf Well Being Action Group
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare Deaf Services
- Sense
- Deafblind UK