Modern Slavery Statement
Compliance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for Financial Year ending 31st March 2023
The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain organisations to make a public statement on the steps they are taking to identify and prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in their operations and supply chains. Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service (The Service) support this legislation, and this statement outlines the steps taken within the Service’s own practices and supply chains to mitigate the possibility of modern slavery.
In compliance with Section 54 of The Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement sets out The Service’s commitment to ensure it does not actively encourage nor support slavery or human trafficking within the organisation, our business activities and within our supply chains. There are many types of slavery which include, but are not limited to:
- Labour exploitation
- Sexual exploitation
- Domestic exploitation
- Criminal exploitation
- Financial exploitation
The Service recognises its responsibility to promote understanding of modern slavery both within its workforce, its suppliers and within the wider community. It also has a responsibility to mitigate the risk of modern slavery through its everyday operations and through scrutiny within its supply chain. To deliver this, The Service has implemented on-line training for all members of staff to help staff to recognise any concerning areas.
Organisation Structure, Business and Supply Chains
The Service seeks to “create safer communities” within Nottinghamshire. Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue serves more than one million residents across Nottinghamshire and provides a diverse range of services including Operational Response, Prevention/ Safe and Well work, and several national capabilities such as Urban Search and Specialist Rescue teams.
For full information on our organisational structure please see our website:
Procurement and Supply Chain Management
The Service is committed to ethical procurement practices which aim to encourage fair pay and working conditions in our supply chain and to assist in the identification and elimination of modern slavery and human trafficking.
The Service expects all its partners, contractors and suppliers that are subject to Section 54 of the Act to understand and comply with the requirements set out in the legislation.
Given the Service’s mission is to create safer communities and its many suppliers, it has a duty to take action to mitigate any risk of modern slavery. This is achieved using its spending power and scrutiny of its supply chain. In addition, creating awareness through its social media channels and communication with its suppliers. In all tender processes, modern slavery is an important consideration and appropriate actions are taken to ensure any risks of modern slavery are addressed. The Service will continue to assess any other actions it can take such as collaboration opportunities with its partners to further promote the Act and minimise the possibility of Modern Slavery in its business or in its supply chain.
While it is impractical for the Service to audit and monitor every supplier in its entire supply chain, the Service takes a proportionate risk management approach. In above threshold procurement processes, suppliers are asked to self-certify their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and specific questions may be built into the scoring criteria.
Training - Procurement Team
Specific ethical procurement training will be delivered to the procurement team to develop their skills and knowledge of modern slavery and how risks throughout pre-market engagement, the procurement process and contract management phases can be identified and mitigated.
Training - All staff
Mandatory online safeguarding training is provided for all staff, which includes a section on modern slavery.
Records of who has completed the training are held in the Authority’s learning management system.
Staff Recruitment
All staff that work for the Service are in receipt of at least the UK Living Wage Foundations – living wage and as part of the recruitment process will undergo robust immigration and pre-employment checks in line with the Governments Right to Work in the UK guidance.
NFRS Polices
The Service has specific policies in the following areas to support our commitment to eradicate Modern Slavery:
- Equalities Statement
- Procurement strategy
- Procurement Policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Working with NFRS guidance for suppliers
- NFRS Complaint Procedure
The Services annual statement shall be developed by the Procurement Manager and the Equality Development Officer and dated with the financial year it refers to. The statement must be approved by the Assistant Chief Fire Officer prior to publication each year.
The Modern Slavery statement is to be made public on the Services website. Publication of the statement must be no later than six months after the end of the financial year.
Compliance with this Statement
The prevention, detection, and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our business or supply chains is the responsibility of everyone within the Service.
Individuals are required to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this Statement.
The Authority encourages openness and will support anyone who raises genuine concerns, even if they turn out to be mistaken.
Individuals are encouraged to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of modern slavery in any parts of our business or supply chains of any supplier tier at the earliest possible stage.
If it is suspected that a breach of this statement has occurred or that it may occur, the individual must report to either their Line Manager or their Human Resources Business Partner or report it in accordance with the Whistle Blowing Policy.
Reporting Suspected Slavery or Human Trafficking
If an individual is unsure about whether a particular act, the treatment of workers more generally, or their working conditions within any tier of our supply chains constitutes any of the various forms of modern slavery, they must raise it with the Head of Procurement and Resources or in their absence the Procurement Manager or in accordance with the NFRS Complaint procedure or, report to Nottinghamshire Police Force via the below channels:
To report a suspicion or seek advice you can contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially on 08000 121 700. This is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
You can report modern slavery online or call Nottinghamshire Police Force on 101 at any time to report an incident. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service on 18001 101.
Should you wish to remain anonymous you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Always call 999 if there is a crime in action or immediate threat to life. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service 18000 or text Nottinghamshire Police Force on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergency SMS service Contact 999 using Relay UK.