Professional referral
This page is for those professionals wishing to report concerns for an individual's safety, if you wish to report a concern about a business you can do this by visiting our Report a business fire safety concern page.
This page is for professionals only, wishing to report concerns for a Service User’s/Citizen’s safety.
To make a professional referral, please move to the bottom of this page. If you have any issues with completing the form, please get in touch with our admin team on:-
- Email:
- Telephone: 0115 838 8100
How to access CHARLIE-P training
The Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service Prevention team aims to work with professionals who are in contact with, care for, or visit, members of our community who may be at risk of fire or incidents in the home.
Our CHARLIE-P training package below will help you to identify potential fire hazards and other risks in the home using our matrix to guide you through the process. In addition, the training highlights how to refer a vulnerable person to Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service for a Safe and Well visit. Our CHARLIE-P training is available online to reference should you need to.
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) works closely with partner agencies and our training has been developed to accommodate our ever-changing community needs and give you, the professional, the tools to identify someone who may be at risk in their home of having a fire or, potentially, not being able to escape a fire.
The primary aim of the programme is to reduce the number of accidental dwelling fires, fire-related deaths, and injuries across Nottinghamshire.
Additionally, we may be able to offer face-to-face training. The training is free and we will deliver to groups (of any number) at your premises or venues supplied by us across Nottinghamshire.
If you or your team would like to request face-to-face training, please complete our training request form.
Risk matrix of factors that might affect someone in the event of a fire.
Score | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 10 | |
Descriptor | Rare | Unlikely | Possible | Likely | Almost certain | |
C | Care and support needs | No care or support needs | In receipt of care and support package that meets the level of need | Support in place but not deemed adequate | No support in place but concerns for health and welfare | No support in place but significant concerns for health and welfare |
Cooking | No concerns | Meal/Drink preparation completed by others | Client completes own drink and meal preparation - health may impact on kitchen safety | Client completes own drink and meal preparation - concerns identified by client / others | Actual fire incident (prior to Safe and Well visit) in last 12 months | |
H | Hoarding | 1-2 CIR | 3 CIR | 4-5 CIR | 6-7 CIR | 8+ CIR |
A | Alcohol use |
Alcohol – not used AND Drug Use – no concerns |
Alcohol - used but no concerns AND Drug Use – no concerns |
Alcohol – used but no concerns AND Drug Use – minimal concerns |
Alcohol – a one-off issue identified re: safety, binge drinking, or dependency OR Drug Use - significant concerns |
Alcohol – significant, ongoing issues identified re: safety, binge drinking or dependency |
R | Reduced mobility | Fully Independent | Uses mobility equipment, no additional support is needed | Uses mobility equipment but lacks awareness of safety or limitations | Mobility equipment and support from another person needed | Cannot transfer or mobilise – needs hoist or cared for in bed |
L | Lives alone | Lives with others (one family) | Lives alone but fully independent OR Lives in HMO | Lives alone with daily support | Lives alone with occasional visitors or social contact | Lives alone – no visitors or social contact |
I | Inappropriate smoking | Non-smoker | Smoker, only smokes outdoors “smoke-free home” | Smoker - smokes in the home, but is aware of fire safety | Smoker, unsafe smoking practices |
Actual fire incident (prior to Safe and Well visit) in last 12 months - includes historic burn marks OR Unsafe smoking plus a dangerous environment |
E | Elderly | Under 40 | 41-50 | 51-64 | 65-79 | 80+ |
Electrical | No concerns | Risks identified - resolved during visit | Risks identified – support needed to resolve but sound awareness of electrical safety | Risks identified - ongoing support needed due to poor awareness of electrical safety | Risks identified – client unable / unwilling to resolve | |
P | Previous signs of fire | No sign of fire - would respond to an alarm |
No signs of fire – would not respond to an alarm Automated detection in place |
No signs of fire – would not respond to an alarm No automated detection |
Actual fire incident in the last 12 months – would respond to an alarm | Actual fire incident within the last 12 months - would not respond to alarm |
Please refer to NFRS e-learning package for further guidance on scoring if required
- Score 10 - 20: Low
- Score 21 - 34: Medium
- Score 35+: High
Working smoke alarms?
- Yes
- No
Emollient Creams in use?
- Yes
- No
This referral form is for professionals only, if you are a member of the public you can request a safe and well visit here.
Form guidance:
- Forename - please use full forename, no abbreviations or nick names or titles
- Surname - do not include title and please check spelling
- Phone number - numbers only, no text, spaces or symbols