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Report a fire safety concern

Report a Business Fire Safety Concern

If you're experiencing any problems using this form, please contact your local Fire Protection team. You can find their details on our contact us page.

If you do not know the postcode, please type 'Unknown' in the postcode box below. At the end of the form, pressing the 'Save & Close' button will submit your concern

Have you seen something in a business which may be a fire risk?

Report it to us and we will investigate it.

If you wish to report an individual at risk from fire in their home, please use the form on our Safe and Well page.

If you are concerned about something you have seen in a business which may be a fire risk, Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service will investigate it. We treat all reports of fire risk confidentially and you do not need to leave your name, just details of what is concerning you.

Typical examples of issues reported to us by members of the public are:

  • Blocked or locked fire exits or fire escape routes whilst the building is in operation
  • Fire alarm not working or can't be heard properly
  • There appears to be a risk of fire occurring, or a fire has occurred and the fire and rescue service were not called
  • Staff at a business premises do not appear to know what to do in the event of a fire

A concern could be anything which might put people at risk - as a Service we actively seek to reduce fire risk in the community.

Whatever your concerns, please don't think that an issue is trivial, we want to hear from you. If requested, we can inform you of the outcome of an investigation; however, we will only do this once we have contacted the premises' owner or responsible person and the issue has been dealt with.

If you have any doubts about whether a premises or place is presenting a fire hazard or are worried about the possibility of someone's safety being compromised if there is a fire, then please fill in the form below. This form is for both external agencies and members of public wishing to report a fire safety concern and, on completion, this information will be sent to the Fire Protection department.