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Service plans

Our Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP)

Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Combined Fire Authority, which governs our Service, has a legal duty to:

  • Identify and assess all foreseeable fire and rescue related risks that could affect the county of Nottinghamshire
  • Put in place appropriate measures to reduce those risks

We do this through our Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP). We have outlined our long-term ambition for the Service, which provides the context for this three-year plan.

To develop this CRMP, we started with a Strategic Assessment of Risk (SAoR). In our SAoR we considered political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental, legal and organisational factors.

We also analysed our current fire cover arrangements for attending fire and rescue incidents. From the findings of the SAoR, we then developed our strategic goals for the next three years and the actions needed to deliver them.

Our current CRMP covers the period from April 2022 through to March 2025. For each of these three years, we will publish an Annual Delivery Plan. Each year’s plan will drive the day-to-day activities of the Service. The annual plans will include key performance indicators, so we can see how we’re doing. At the end of each year, we’ll report on our progress and performance in an Annual Statement of Assurance (ASOA).

Annual delivery plans

Annual statement of assurance

The Statement of Assurance is a requirement of The Fire and Rescue Service National Framework for us to report each year on our progress against our Community Risk Management Plan. The document provides the public and other stakeholders with information about our performance over the last 12 months including significant strategic projects and key achievements.

Strategic Assessment of Risk

The Strategic Assessment of Risk (SAoR) seeks to underpin and support our CRMP by ensuring that risk management drives decision-making to achieve our vision. It is a reference document which provides detail about areas of risk pertinent to the county of Nottinghamshire using the PESTLEO analysis model. This model supports a comprehensive and forward-looking assessment of the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, legal, and organisational (PESTLEO) factors that will both impact upon and shape service delivery during the life cycle of our next CRMP.

Efficiency and Productivity Plan