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Drugs and Alcohol

Advice on Alcohol

For information and guidance on dealing with Alcohol why not check out the videos below from Change Grow Live Nottinghamshire (opens in new window)

How misuse of Alcohol and Drugs can affect you during a fire

It is known the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) receive a low number of referrals that identify people who are known to misuse Alcohol putting themselves at risk to fire. However, this may be due to a lack of awareness and lack of engagement with this type of risk within our community. Worryingly though, around 50% of fire fatalities since 2012 in Nottinghamshire involved people who were known to be regular at-risk drinkers or drinking prior to the fire. Of these fatalities, only 5% were previously known to NFRS.

  • More than 50% of fire fatalities within the home involve drink or drug-related behaviour
  • Being under the influence of drink or drugs makes you more vulnerable
  • Intoxication can also cause drowsiness and can make you less alert to the signs of fire
  • Alcohol/drugs can heighten feelings of disorientation, making it difficult to escape

Do you have a problem drinking? Visit our partners at Change Grow Live and take their alcohol self-assessment quiz.

Tips for cutting down or quitting alcohol

Have a think about the goal you want to achieve. Quitting alcohol completely can seem like a big step, but it could be the change of direction you need. Cutting down your drinking is also a positive goal, and it can even be the first step to quitting entirely.

If you're ready to address your drinking, don't be afraid to reach out for help. It's much easier to make positive changes when you've got help and support from other people.

You could:

  • Speak to your doctor about your worries, and your plan to address your drinking. They'll be able to give you advice and useful information
  • Tell your family and friends. If they know that you're trying to change your drinking habits, they can encourage and support you
  • Find your nearest alcohol service. You can search for your nearest Change Grow Live alcohol service and look into treatment options (Opens in a new window)
  • Join a peer support group like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

If you are drinking alcohol every day and notice unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when you are not drinking, please do not stop drinking suddenly. This can cause extremely harmful withdrawal symptoms. It's important you make contact with your local treatment service to arrange a safe, medically supervised detox.

How can I cut down my drinking?

  • Once you've made your decision, try these steps to address your drinking
  • Start a regular drink diary. Write down how much alcohol you're drinking, to help you keep a record. Also keep a note of what you're drinking, and who you're drinking with. This will help you to understand your habits
  • Set yourself a limit, and stick to it
  • Have at least three alcohol-free days each week
  • Don't drink on an empty stomach. Always have something to eat first
  • Have a non-alcoholic drink, like water or a soft drink, between each alcoholic one
  • Try switching to lower alcohol drinks, and drink slower
  • Try changing social habits - pick a new hobby to work on, or organise to go out and do things that don't involve drinking
  • Have a look at the NHS's wellbeing tips (Opens in a new window). They could help you feel calmer and more relaxed when you find yourself wanting a drink
  • If you start having cravings, distract yourself for a few minutes. Mindfulness or meditation apps and videos like the one below from Headspace

Drug and Alcohol dependency / Misuse

May increase the likelihood of a fire, particularly from smoking, or other household activities, such as cooking because its effects inhibit the ability to make safe decisions. It also affects the ability to recognise and respond appropriately in case of a fire.

Use of prescribed medication

Prescription medication can increase the risk of a fire starting particularly if the individual is a smoker. It can inhibit the ability to vacate the property in a safe and timely manner. This is because it is either designed to, or has side effects, that relax or create calmness, and help people to sleep.

Advice and support from our partners