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Monday - Friday -

Workout two


5-minute walk/light jog or steady bike (3-5 RPE should feel warmer, comfortable, and able to talk).

Mobilisation and dynamic stretching – wrist circles, shoulder rolls, arm circles, torso rotations, and flexions

Weight preparation – squats x 10 reps slow and controlled no weights, overhead press, rows, light weights (50% working set) 10 reps


Sets: 2
Reps: 10-12
Rest: 30-60 seconds between each set
Weight: Start light and master good form, ensuring the correct technique is maintained throughout. Gradually progress the weight as you become familiar and confident with the exercise, the last few reps should feel hard achieving muscle fatigue without compromising quality.

  • Squats
  • Overhead press
  • Lat pulldown/pull ups
  • Bench press/press ups
  • Bent over rows
  • Bicep curls
  • Tricep dips

Post Stretch

  • General stretches include quadriceps, calf, hamstring, inner thigh, tricep, upper back, chest
  • Hold for 15 – 30 seconds in a position of mild discomfort (not pain).
  • Complete stretches from the flexibility page.


1. Squats

Follow previous guidance from workout one and squat information.

2. Overhead press

Follow previous guidance from workout one.

3. Lat Pulldown/Pull Ups

There are various options you can select to complete this exercise. Focus on keeping shoulders back and down. If you have access to a lat pulldown machine, set yourself up with hips and knees at 90 degrees, take an overhand grip on the bar, lean back slightly, and pull the bar down to mid-chest level bringing elbows in and squeezing shoulder blades, with control return to start position.

Demonstration of a lat pull down with arms full extended above the head
Example of a lat pull down with bar brought to shoulder height

Alternatively, a band can be used to create a lat pulldown exercise as pictured below.

Demonstration of a lat pull down using exercise bands
Lat pull down using exercise bands, arms pulled down to shoulder height

A band can assist with a pull up using an overhand grip if you have a secure object that you can attach the band.

Demonstration of a pull up using an exercise band for assistance in the down position
Demonstration of a pull up using an exercise band for assistance in the up position

4. Bench Press or Press Ups

If you have access to a bench or a step, you can complete a bench press using dumbbells. Take an overhand grip on the dumbbells, lie down on the bench, and place your feet onto the floor or support to ensure your knees are a maximum of 90-degree bend (if they are greater, it can cause your back to arch). Bring hands in line with your shoulders, forearms vertical. On exhale, extend arms up in an arch to meet in the middle of the chest. Return to the start position.

Example of a bench press in the down position using dumbbells
Example of a bench press in the up position using dumbbells

5. Bent over rows, 6. Bicep Curls, 7. Tricep Dips

Follow previous guidance from workout one.

Saturday core and balance

Abdominal crunches, plank, and back extensions – follow previous guidance from circuit one and circuit two.

Balance – choose exercises from agility, balance, and proprioception.


Lying on your back, hips, and knees to a 90-degree bend. Engage core, hands to temples with elbows out to the side. Lift upper body, take an opposite knee to opposite elbow, whilst extending the other leg to just off the floor. Return and repeat on the opposite side.

Stating position for the "bicycle" exercise
Position two for the bicycle exercise