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Monday - Friday -

Circuit one

  • Week One to Four – 2 rounds 30 seconds on/30 seconds active recovery
  • 60 seconds recovery between each round
  • The main session should feel hard (6-9/10). Add resistance to vary the intensity to make the exercise suitable for you.

You can use a variety of equipment to add resistance for the squat and clean and press exercises. From dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, or even a weighted fabric rucksack. Ensure the correct technique is mastered prior to adding weight.

Warm up first…

Details on warming up can be found on our preparing for exercise page.

Time: 5 minutes, gradually increasing movement and intensity to prepare for the circuit session.
Intensity: comfortable, not causing fatigue.

Cool down and post-stretch…

Time: 5 minutes to gradually reduce heart rate, jogging slowly coming down to a light walk on spot. Complete post stretches found on the flexibility page.

1. Shuttles

If you have sufficient space, shuttle run from two points for this station. Alternative options include sprinting on the spot if you are limited in space.

2. Clean and press

Feet shoulder width apart, bend knees, take grip of weight. Push hips backwards, extend legs as bring the weight up to the chest, keeping elbows in and weight close, and extend arms overhead. Keep core engaged throughout.

Demonstration of the down position for the clean and press exercise
Demonstration of the up position for the clean and press exercise

3. Burpess

Drop down into the press-up position, jump in and up to the sky. Adjust jump to modify intensity.

Demonstration of the starting plank position for a burpee
Example of the in position for a burpee

4. Squats

Read our squat guidance. Feet shoulder width apart, bend at hips and knees, keep chest lifted and face forward. Engage your core and squat to 90 degrees or where is comfortable, without heels lifting from the floor. Keep knees in line with feet. Push through heels to drive back up.

Beginning of the squat exercise, standing with arms crossed over chest.
The squat down position

5. High knees

Lift or jump alternate knee up in front.

Demonstration of raising a knee parallel to the ground

6. Jacks

From standing, jump feet out to the side taking arms up. Jump back in.

7. Tricep dips

Use a step or a chair, hands facing forwards, and keep elbows in.

Tricep dip in the up position
Tricep dip in the down position

8. Press-ups

Low - knees on floor High - full press up

Press up in the up position
Press up in the down position

9. Abdominal crunches

Low – cross hands on chest High – hands to temples, elbows out