Workout one
5-minute walk/light jog or steady bike (3-5 RPE should feel warmer, comfortable, and able to talk).
Mobilisation and dynamic stretching – wrist circles, shoulder rolls, arm circles, torso rotations, and flexions
Weight preparation – squats x 10 reps slow and controlled no weights, overhead press, rows, light weights (50% working set) 10 reps
Sets: 2
Reps: 12-15
Rest: 30-60 seconds between each set
Weight: Start light and master good form, ensuring the correct technique is maintained throughout. Gradually progress the weight as you become familiar and confident with the exercise, the last few reps should feel hard achieving muscle fatigue without compromising quality.
- Squats
- Overhead press
- Bent over rows
- Press-ups
- Bicep curls
- Tricep dips
- Abdominal crunches
- Oblique twists
- Back extensions
Post Stretch
- General stretches include quadriceps, calf, hamstring, inner thigh, tricep, upper back, chest
- Hold for 15 – 30 seconds in a position of mild discomfort (not pain).
- Complete stretches from the flexibility page.
1. Squats
Read our guidance on squats first. Feet shoulder width apart, bend at hips and knees, keep chest lifted and face forward. Engage your core and squat to 90 degrees or where is comfortable, without heels lifting from the floor. Keep knees in line with feet. Push through heels to drive back up.

2. Overhead Press
Feet shoulder width apart, take an overhand grip on dumbbells, or barbells. Engage core, wrists rigid, forearms shoulder be vertical. On exhale extend arms up overhead. With dumbbells, you will create an arch as you drive them up. Can also use a sandbag or weighed fabric rucksack.

If using a bar, you will need to slightly move your head backwards to ensure bar goes vertically, as pictured below.

3. Bent Over Rows
Feet shoulder width apart, take an overhand grip on dumbbells. Tip forward from the hip, knees soft.
Keep a neutral alignment through the body, and gaze down on the floor in front. Pull shoulder blades back, let gravity take weight of dumbbells with arms extended. Then keeping elbows in, row arms back bringing weight to navel making sure you squeeze shoulder blades together.
Return hands down with control to start position.

4. Press Ups
- Low - knees on floor
- High - full press up

5. Bicep Curls
Feet shoulder width apart.
Take an underhand grip of dumbbells. Keep shoulders back and down, and elbows in towards your body. With arms extended, bend elbows to curl towards shoulders, then return to starting position.
Make sure you complete full range of movement.

6. Tricep Dips
Use a step or a chair, hands facing forwards, keep elbows in. Work through full range of movement.

7. Abdominal Crunches
- Low – cross hands on chest
- High – hands to temples, elbows out

8. Oblique Twists
- Knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
- Keep your core engaged, slowly lift the weight from right to left, over the body, and rotate the body with movement.
- Low – sit more upright High – tilt back deeper

9. Back Extensions
- Lie face down on a mat, feet hip width apart.
- Tuck hands under thighs. Keep a neutral alignment nose pointing to the floor, slowly with control lift upper body off the floor, working within your range of movement.
- Slowly lower back down to starting position.