In an emergency call 999
For general enquiries call 01158388100
Monday - Friday -

Provision for adults

To support adults in our communities Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service are able to offer tailored safety education messages at locations to suit you across the City and County.

Examples of this provision are:

  • Memory CafĂ© safety talks
  • Sheltered Accommodation safety awareness sessions
  • Bespoke safety education covering fire, water, or road for groups of individuals with an additional need

If you have a request for NFRS to support your adult provision please complete the booking form below. Please provide as much of the following information as you are able to:

Contact details
Event details
Data consent

Please note

Where operational response crews are requested to deliver, we cannot guarantee attendance and or attendance for the full duration of events as priority has to be given to responding to emergency situations if they arise.

Where the Education Team are to deliver, a date and time can be guaranteed.

Suitable access, egress, and hard standing is required for any fire appliance if requested.