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Monday - Friday -

Wholetime Firefighter (Apprenticeship) candidate information

Eligibility to apply

You must be at least 18 years of age at the start of the training course.

You are required to be a permanent resident of Nottinghamshire. You will be required to provide evidence of this with your application. Exemptions to the residency requirement will apply for serving members of the armed forces or their direct family members and former members of the armed forces who have left active service within the last 3 years.

You will hold a level 2 qualification in Maths and English (GCSE A*-C or 4-9 or equivalent) You will be required to provide evidence of this if your application is successful.


Stage 1

All candidates will be required to complete and submit an online application form

Stage 2

Application form sift

Stage 3

Shuttle run assessment (Bleep test) - To assess aerobic fitness candidates will be expected to achieve level 8 shuttle 8 (42.3 VO2 max)

If you are unsuccessful in achieving the required level at this point, you will be withdrawn from the process

Stage 4

The following job-related tests will be undertaken

Test Description

Ladder Climb

To assess candidate's confidence at heights and ability to follow instructions
Ladder Lift To assess upper body strength
Equipment Carry To test aerobic fitness, stamina, upper and lower body strength
Equipment Assembly To test manual dexterity
Enclosed Spaces Test To assess confidence working within confined spaces
Hose Running To assess aerobic fitness and co-ordination

View some of our job-related tests being carried out.

Stage 5

Candidates will be invited to an Assessment Centre at Joint Headquarters. The Assessment process will consist of the following elements:

  • team building exercise
  • presentation
  • formal interview

Stage 6

Candidates will be invited to a local swimming pool and will be required to demonstrate their ability to swim unaided for a minimum of 25 metres.

Candidates will undertake a full medical, substance misuse test, and be subject to a baseline personnel security standard check which will include 3 year employment history and asylum and immigration check. References will be taken up at this stage.