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The Chief Fire Officer's Scheme of Delegation

Please note Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service’s governance is currently under review through 2022 – 2023. Website content will be updated as and when each phase of this review is complete.

For this scheme

  • Fire & Rescue Authority means the Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire & Rescue Authority.
  • Financial Regulations means the Finance Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Codes of Procedures, etc approved from time to time by the Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire & Rescue Authority.
  • Personnel Regulations means the Personnel Regulations and Personnel Handbook approved from time to time by the Nottinghamshire & City of Nottingham Fire & Rescue Authority.

Section 1

General Delegation to the Chief Fire Officer

The Chief Fire Officer shall exercise the following powers:

  1. Subject to any provisions of statute and subject to any overriding authority of Financial Regulations and Personnel Regulations, the Chief Fire Officer shall have the authority to take any action with regard to any matter within the purview of his/her appointment subject to the following principles:-
    1. The Chief Fire Officer shall not be empowered to deviate from the approved policies of the Fire & Rescue Authority.
    2. The Chief Fire Officer shall not be empowered to initiate significant matters of new policy without the approval of the Fire & Rescue Authority.
    3. The Chief Fire Officer shall not use his/her delegated powers in any way which would produce an imbalance between the approved policies of the Fire & Rescue Authority; he/she shall be able to exercise discretion on virement between approved budget headings provided that this action does not produce a significant change of emphasis in Fire & Rescue Authority policies, and is exercised in accordance with Financial Regulations.
    4. The Chief Fire Officer shall be empowered to appoint and manage staff within the Establishing Scheme approved by the Fire & Rescue Authority and in accordance with Personnel regulations, but shall not appoint staff at the level of Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Head of HR or Head of F & R without the approval of the Fire & Rescue Authority.
    5. The Chief Fire Officer shall report at regular intervals to the Fire & Rescue Authority setting out in narrative form the principal use made by him/her of the powers delegated by this resolution or otherwise, together with any uses which the Chief Fire Officer considers to be particularly important or unusual.

      The Chief Fire Officer is empowered to enter into contracts only within Financial Regulations and Codes of Procedures.

  2. To designate in writing such other Officers as the Chief Fire Officer thinks fit to exercise any authority delegated to the Chief Fire Officer under this scheme of delegation or otherwise.
  3. To exercise the statutory powers described in the Specific Delegation to the Chief Fire Officer contained in this Scheme as set out below and any similar powers in relation to any amended, consequential or re-enacted Act, regulation or Order.

General Delegation to the Treasurer and the Clerk/Monitoring Officer

There is delegated to the Treasurer and to the Clerk/Monitoring Officer authority to take any action within the purview of their respective appointments, subject to the relevant general principles applying to the exercise of delegated powers by the Chief Fire Officer.

Section 2

Powers Delegated to the Chief Fire Officer

  1. There is delegated to the Chief Fire Officer, authority to exercise the powers and duties of the Fire & Rescue Authority, and of any body for which the Fire & Rescue Authority act as agent, in respect of:-
  2. Land and Buildings
    In compliance with Finance Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, statutory requirements and sound business practice, to manage and authorise the financing, procurement and disposal of goods, services and capital projects and to maintain asset registers.
  3. Firefighters' Pensions
    The Chief Fire Officer may exercise the Fire & Rescue Authority's discretionary powers under the Firefighters' Pension Scheme.
  4. Ex-Gratia Payments
    The Chief Fire Officer may determine claims for ex-gratia payments, etc up to E250 in respect of incidents affecting both employees and volunteers whilst they are carrying out duties at the request of the Fire & Rescue Authority and where damage is caused to their personal belongings.
  5. Extensions to Sick Pay Requests
    To consider all individual cases of extensions to sick pay and to determine a defined time-scale for the period of the extension if agreed. Decisions of the Personnel Committee will be final and not open to appeal.
  6. Urgency Matters
    To determine any matter where a decision is required before the next full meeting of the Combined Fire Authority, subject to consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Opposition Spokespersons of that Authority.
  7. Conversion of Posts
    As granted at the meeting of the Authority on 16th December 2005 and detailed in Minute 80 of that meeting, the Chief Fire Officer has delegated authority to approve the conversion of uniformed posts to non-uniformed posts.
    Any post conversions are to be reported annually to the Personnel Committee retrospectively at the end of each business year.
  8. Claims against the Authority
    As granted at the meeting of the Authority on 7 September 2007 and detailed in Minute 35 of that meeting. the Chief Fire Officer has delegated authority to settle:
    • Any claim against the Authority up to a maximum level of El 5,000
    • Any claim against the Authority in excess of E 15,000 following consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and opposition spokespersons