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In an emergency call 999
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Monday - Friday -

NFRS 2023 19 - ICT suppliers

You asked for

We would be grateful if you could help in answering our request for information for the following questions: answering for A-J on questions 1-8.

  1. Photocopiers/MFDs (Multi-Functional Device)
  2. Printers
  3. Print room / reprographic
  4. Desktops
  5. Laptops
  6. Displays
  7. Network
  8. cyber security
  9. Audio Visual
  10. infrastructure
  1. Please name all the IT resellers that you have contacts with and buy from.
  2. What is the length of the contracts, more specifically their end date, with the named IT resellers in question 1.
  3. What year and month is the next hardware refresh due?
  4. Please name the number of devices deployed by the NHS/Fire service/university/council/school?
  5. In reply to question 4, which department/facility are those located?
  6. Please name the brand and model of the devices mentioned and the spend for each product.
  7. Details on how these were procured. i.e. By Framework
    1. Procurement method
    2. If Framework, please state which one.
  8. Do you normally purchase equipment as services or as a capital?
  9. What is your annual print/copy volume and spend?
  10. Who is the person(s) within your organization responsible for the MFD's, print hardware, and supplies contract(s)? Please provide their title and their contact details. 
  11. Who is responsible for purchasing end user devices such as laptops, desktops, networking, infrastructure, cyber security, displays and accessories? Please provide their title, and their contact details.

Our Response

4. Please name the number of devices deployed by the NHS/ Fire service/ university/council/ school?

6. Please name the brand and model of the devices mentioned and the spend for each product. 

Answer: - This information is not recorded in an easily retrievable format. To locate, retrieve and extract the requested information requires a manual review of all devices to determine exact number, spend, model, and brand held by the NFRS. This would involve travelling to all sites and examining existing financial records to extract the data over a significant period of time as we do not hold a central repository for this type of information as it would be spread out across multiple systems.

An initial estimate revealed a total of 1000 to 1500 potential devices across the entire service and would require physical attendance to the 26 sites to catalogue the data and cross reference it against purchases which are recorded against a generic marker such as Operational Equipment Purchase or Computer Hardware/ Software for example.

To comply with this part of the request would exceed the cost threshold of 18 working hours and engages Section 12 (1) of the Act.

 This letter constitutes a refusal notice under Section 17(5) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 with Section 12(1) of the act being applied.

12.– (1) Section 1(1) does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit.

Should you wish for the Force to continue with your request, a more accurate figure will be provided within a fee’s notice. The cost will need to be paid by you, prior to any further investigation. Please advise if you wish to proceed.

Alternatively, you are invited to refine your request to bring it within the cost threshold however, due to the nature of the request and how the information is stored I am unable to provide a sufficient refinement that would bring the request within the cost threshold without removing the question that triggers the exemption.

In accordance with the Act, once one part of the request exceeds the cost threshold the entire request exceeds the cost threshold. However, in the spirit of the Act but outside of Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Services has provided what information it has retrieved in relation to your request.

I can advise however, that some of the information requested is routinely published on the NFRS website and can be found here:

This letter constitutes a refusal notice under Section 17 (5) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.