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In an emergency call 999
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Monday - Friday -

Wholetime recruitment update

Posted on 22 September 2023

We’ve had a lot of interest in our wholetime firefighter process and places have filled up on the current events we have advertised.

We’ll be exploring ways we can increase the capacity on our Recruitment Days.

If you couldn’t sign up to a session, please complete our expression of interest form to be the first to know when we open more places.

Keep an eye on our social media channels as we’ll keep these updated about the process.

If you managed to register

We’ll be contacting people who have registered to confirm their places and complete a form ahead of the session. Failure to return the form within the stated deadline means you will lose your registered place on the Recruitment Day, and this will be opened to others.

We recommend you use this time to focus on building up your fitness to pass the bleep test and the other required fitness standards. Our firefighter fitness guidance is a good place to start.

A firefighter and young girl smile as the girl squirts water from the hose.