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Firefighters put skills to the test at Gamston Airport

Posted on 28 November 2023

Yesterday morning (Monday 27 November) fire crews from across Nottinghamshire took part in 'Exercise Phoenix' - a district exercise at Gamston Airport in Retford. 

Firefighters from Edwinstowe, Mansfield and Worksop Fire Station worked alongside the airport's own resident rescue and firefighting team.

This exercise was an opportunity to train with airport staff and involved five fire engines, around 30 firefighters, four officers and other non-operational members of staff.

During the exercise, firefighters used foam to extinguish a simulated aircraft fire on a fire training rig, with the scenario allowing them to demonstrate plans and procedures, plus triage and first aid training with the use of 'live' casualties. 

Scott Hutchinson, Crew Manager at Edwinstowe Fire Station, was the director of Exercise Phoenix. He said: "I am pleased with how today has gone, and grateful for the opportunity to complete a training exercise at Gamston Airport, so thank you to their staff for supporting us and allowing this to happen.

"Training exercises are pivotal for operational crews as it allows us to be better equipped and prepared in the case of a real incident.

"Finally, I would like to thank our partners for their assistance, all at Gamston Airport and the Nottingham Actors Workshop for being a key part of yesterday's exercise."

Eve Mcleod, Manager at Gamston Airport, said: "This has been a fantastic opportunity to test our internal procedures with our airport team. 

"Thank you to Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service for their time conducting these vital drills alongside our crews."