Strategic goal 1: We will help people stay safe from fires and other emergencies

This goal focuses on our statutory duty to prevent fires and other emergencies from happening.

Our key objectives for this year are:

  • Deliver Safe and Well Visits to 14,000 homes to provide advice, install smoke alarms and other safety equipment, and make referrals to partner agencies for support, where required. We will target those people at higher risk, with a particular focus on those who meet the criteria of our CHARLIE profile
  • Develop our understanding of communities and the people who live in them, using data from the 2021 Census, to help target and engage with those most at risk, in an inclusive way
  • Ensure all staff complete the mandatory safeguarding training needed for their roles, and that we make safeguarding referrals in line with the various Safeguarding Boards expectations
  • Deliver fire, road and water safety education activities to those most at risk in the community
  • Provide training and education to our partners on how to recognise the risks of fire and make appropriate referrals to us in line with our CHARLIE profile

Our focus for improvements this year are:

  • Upgrade our computer systems to increase our ability for mobile working and improve the productivity of our staff.
  • Improve the disabled access of our Safe and Well process including online services for obtaining home fire safety advice and making referrals for Safe and Well visits
  • Improve engagement with residents from black and minority ethnic households and community organisations to ensure awareness of the CHARLIE profile and prevention services.