Governance, Monitoring and Assurance
Various governance bodies and systems are required to deliver an efficient fire and rescue service to our communities.
Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority
This is often referred to as the Combined Fire Authority (CFA) and is responsible for ensuring we have the people, equipment and training needed to carry out our duties in relation to fire prevention; fire safety; firefighting and rescue; road traffic collision extrication and rescue and other emergency rescue activities such as responding to flooding or terrorism.
The authority consists of 18 elected councillors from Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council. There are six committees that report to the Fire Authority. These are:
- Appointments
- Community Safety
- Finance and Resources
- Human Resources
- Personnel
- Policy and Strategy
Collectively these committees and the authority make decisions on key matters such as policy, strategy and budget.
Meetings of the CFA and its committees are open to the public. Further information can be found on the city council’s website.
Strategic Leadership Team
The Strategic Leadership Team is responsible for implementing the strategy and policy decisions taken by the CFA.
Under the direction of the Chief Fire Officer, the team meets to discuss Service priorities, collectively understand emerging issues and determine whether additional formal reports or business cases are required for consideration.
CRMP Assurance Board
The CRMP Assurance Board focuses on the progress being made against the strategic goals in the CRMP. It meets monthly and is chaired by the Chief Fire Officer. It scrutinises performance reports and key performance indicators from all areas of the Service and oversees significant corporate projects.
Area Managers Team (AMT)
AMT consists of all uniformed and non-uniformed Area Managers. The team meets fortnightly and is responsible for monitoring progress towards the Annual Delivery Plan (ADP), managing resources required to deliver the ADP, providing direction for Service departments and reporting progress to CRMP Assurance Board.
Operational Learning Board
The Operational Learning Board meets to ensure that we can effectively learn from the operational incidents and exercises that have taken place.
This board also considers learning that has come from other fire and rescue services to ensure an efficient, safe and effective operational response and to support the goal of delivering an outstanding service. This board meets every two months.
Service Delivery Evaluation and Assurance Group
It is important to oversee the performance of our Prevention, Protection and Response departments to monitor our progress against the standards we set.
Risk and performance matters are considered, with the aim of addressing any areas of concern and highlighting and learning from areas of good practice. The Group meets on a quarterly basis.
Collaboration Board
We facilitate a Strategic Collaboration Board that looks for opportunities to work with Nottinghamshire Police and oversees current collaborations. The membership of the group includes the Chair of the Fire Authority, the Chief Fire Officer, the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner.
We also have a Collaboration Board which facilitates governance and reporting of our Joint Fire Control with Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service and explores areas for continued collaboration. This is attended by Fire Authority members and senior officers of both services.
External Assurance
HMICFRS Inspection
All fire and rescue services are subject to inspection from HMICFRS. The aims of the inspection programme are to encourage improvement in the fire sector and to provide the public with accessible information about how their local service is performing.
We received our latest report, which rated us as ‘Good’, in June 2022 following an inspection in the autumn of 2021. We are inspected every 2 years and we are expecting our next inspection in the autumn of 2023.